Dear EME Choir members, band, singers, AV & production team,
We would like to thank you for all your hard work and commitment to the EME Salvation Outreach choir. Wow! What a glorious sound. Vel and I have not seen some of you for a while, so it was good to see you all again.
May God continue to bless you all richly and your local church.
Steve & Velveta
BMI on behalf of EME
The Service will be streamed. Here are the details:
We are calling on the brokenhearted, the dispossessed, the marginalised, the bereaved, and the long-suffering shipwrecks of humanity that do not know Christ or his redeeming work on the cross. We are calling on the sick. The abused and broken-hearted, and all who hope for a better future to come to this crusade at Ilford Town Hall and experience life-changing transformation, miracle healing and testimonies of changed lives.
If you have already given your life to Christ, Join us in this great work of Deliverance, Personal Transformation, Hope, and Salvation in Christ Jesus – Matthew 28:16-20
There is no other way. There is no other path to which we can be saved and endure the Great tribulation which is almost upon us! Think about yourself, think about your loved ones, think about the salvation of your soul – John 14:6
The launch of our Gospel Crusade of healing and transformation starts at The Ilford Town Hall on Saturday, August 17th, 2024. Will you be there?
We are forming a special choir for the event, so if you are interested, please fill out the form below.
This form is for those who would like to sign up for the EME choir for the Ilford Outreach in August '24
Well, thank you all for signing up for the EME Outreach Choir. On this page, you will find all the relevant information you need between now and August 17th, 2024.
There will be one mass rehearsal (Choir, band and singers) from 7.00 pm – 9:30 pm on Friday, August 16th 2024, at the following church.
Connaught Rd,
We have uploaded all the songs (with harmony chords, lyrics and vocal parts) for you to learn BEFORE the rehearsal date. These music files can be downloaded from either of two online storage portals. As follows:
Beneath there are some answers to FAQ, including the dress code and call-time on August 17th 2024
Should you have any immediate queries, please email Velveta or me directly at [email protected]
Steve & Velveta Thompson
BMI (on behalf of EME)
Here are a few answers to some questions you may have
There is no parking outside the Town Hall itself. If you have gear, please park and unload it outside the town hall, then park in one of the multistorey car parks.
From the organiser:
CAR PARKING: Be extremely careful with parking at the Ilford Town hall site. Redbridge Council are known to have enforcement officers who are very active in the immediate vicinity all day. If you are offloading, it is recommended to have someone next to your car as a watcher to inform any parking officers that you are offloading for a permitted event at the Town Hall for a short time. If you leave your car on restricted lines, even with a sign on the windscreen, you still risk a ticket.
Choir members – Please arrive at the Ilford Town Hall at 2.30 pm, ready for 2:50 pm soundcheck.
Musicians – Please arrive at 1.30 pm for 2.00 pm soundcheck (Akil, please arrive at 1.00 pm to set up kit)
Singers – Please arrive by 1.45 pm for a 2.00 pm soundcheck
Unfortunately not, so please bring a packed food and drink with you.
The Ilford Outreach service is due to finish by 7.20 pm latest.
Please keep all your items with you until Grace Allick (Event Manager) informs you otherwise. We have limited storage space at the Town Hall
Yes, because the Town Hall has limited rooms and no changing facilities. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Can all musicians arrive by 6.30 pm to set up and all choir members by 6.50 pm.
We would like choir members to wear a combination of cream or beige tops and all-back bottoms (Trousers or Skirts).