Singer’s Reflection

Grace Adelakun writes …

So grateful to have been able to work with BMI, for the National Television Awards 2020. For me, it’s an experience that I will not forget any time soon. The opportunity to work with so many gifted artists – from diverse backgrounds and unite in sound was truly special. I am very grateful to the BMI Executive Team for their constant encouragement, love and support of the choir every step of the way- everything from the communication, and studio rehearsals to the actual musical arrangement were done with great professionalism and excellence. The experience was seamless from beginning to end and the clear focus from the very start was that Jesus would be exalted in the opportunity and in our sound….The real high point of the experience was not the stage and lights (..albeit a phenomenal production), but working alongside people with a similar heart and mind- I am fuller and richer for that!

~ Grace

Debbie Oso writes …

I still can’t quite put into words what yesterday meant. But here goes. This moment was not about our few minutes of being live on stage and broadcast to 12 or so million people, I believe they said. It was bigger than that. For some of us, buried confidence arose. For others, it was the opportunity to rub shoulders with experienced vocalists. For most, the atmosphere of unity and getting to do what we love alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ brought great joy and a reminder of the great privilege we had been given. What Uncle Steve and Aunty Velveta did was help create a come-as-you-are atmosphere. All felt accepted, loved, and safe in their hands to boldly use the gift that God had given them. Different ranges, textures and tones were all carefully chosen by their sharp ears (and I do mean sharp), to create a beautiful sound to minister far and beyond what was asked. For someone like me, who is still to this day trying to understand what my voice can do and not be afraid of it because it doesn’t quite fit into someone’s idea, being part of this meant the world to me. Uncle Steve and Aunty Vel are SPECIAL. I have NEVER met anyone like them. They are the real deal! I am so thankful and honoured. I pray they receive it back tenfold for what they have poured out and continue to pour out!


Sonia Lynch writes …

It was a privilege and pleasure to work with Steve & Velveta on this great project’s Admin and Operational side.  Behind the scenes, there were a lot of emails and contractual work to be dealt with, but Steve and Vel handled all of this with professionalism and ease! I couldn’t get down to see the studio recording of the song on Saturday, but when I heard it  – it was plain to hear the unified voices. I had to listen to it again, it sounded heavenly!   Each and every person selected for the choir was gifted, humble, and in unity with each other – Steve & Vel’s selection was anointed!

I was excited when I arrived with Velveta, Steve & Esther on Monday the 27th for the first rehearsal day. As we were led to the dressing room, it felt surreal!  The first rehearsal with Matt was about positioning all the choir members and working out the dance sequence!  The choir all looked so beautiful in their different outfits (the stylists did an excellent job as if they knew each person personally!). Tuesday 28th, was the dress rehearsal and a run-through on the main stage. Sitting watching this, I was thinking, Wow, they look & sound spectacular!

During the two days, there was lots of time for the choir members to practice their singing, steps and turns! The most memorable time for me was when everyone was in the dressing room. There were lots of conversations and stories to share about faith and life; singing, joking and loads of laughter; there was much Joy (that deep down Joy when you know who you are and you shine for Jesus!) and overall peace.

I guess the highlight for me was standing by the side of the stage with Steve, Vel and Jermaine (my son) watching the live performance! The atmosphere was electric, and I felt proud (not for the first time) of every choir member; they looked and sounded so amazing, and their professionalism was second to none.  Throughout the few days, Steve & Vel had time for everyone.  They encouraged, nurtured, supported and prayed – what a pleasure & honour to be part of this journey with them. The key words throughout the few days were Unity, Joy and professionalism. Jesus’ name was Glorified in all of this!

More refelections

Jemimah Paine

Singing for the NTA’s was an immense privilege! I am so grateful for the opportunity to sing with some incredibly gifted singers & share our love for Jesus together! Everyone was so professional, welcoming and encouraging!

Arne T.

God blessed us with an amazing opportunity and fellowship so that we could bless the production team by shining His light and sing to His glory in this unusual and special place.

Sukanah Simpson

I had an amazing experience with the BMI choir and team. Happy for photos to be used and shared as BMI wishes to do so.

What an awesome privilege to work alongside so many gifted professionals, all brought together by Indigo Television. We are thankful to Andy Bates, the senior producer who believed in my work over the years, particularly the vocal arrangements for the 2016 National Television Awards opening with Gloria Gaynor and Revelation Avenue. 

In particular, we are thankful to Antonio Castle (Daughter of the late Roy Castle), a family we have worked with and loved over the years. As the stage manager and liaison personnel along with Producer Lauren Gallen, she made our task so much easier and enjoyable with an eye for detail. That is quite true of the entire Indigo Television team.

Again, BMI is thankful for the opportunity to collaborate and work to such high standards, learning so much throughout the entire project.

Steve Thompson

Steve Thompson . DIRECTOR

One of the singers, Molly Baldwin reflected on her experience singing in the BMI choir, she painted the above picture.